Welcome to the Swedish study group of Ecclesia Pistis Sophia, the Sophian Gnostic tradition.
The Sophian tradition represents a lineage of spiritual adepts and masters who have taught a secret gospel and Christian Kabbalah to their students, mouth to ear, from one generation to another. Today the initiates of the tradition have begun to openly share the teachings, believing an extension of truth and light essential in our times.
Every Thursday at 20:00 GMT+1 we meet on skype to discuss the published material on the sophian tradition as well as the great wealth of material available on the site www.sophian.org. If you are interested in participating in the study group meetings (online on skype) please contact Jonas ( jonas.stiborg@gmail.com) or Martina ( lena.martina@gmx.de)
We have capacity for influxes of energy from above. These influxes have the capacity to awaken the serpent power. When it is set in motion and uplifted through the interior stars, the body of light truly manifest.
We will discuss the highest sefira in the Tree of Life and its corresponding emanations in Atzilut, Beriyah and Yetzirah.
We have capacity for influxes of energy from above. These influxes have the capacity to awaken the serpent power. When it is set in motion and uplifted through the interior stars, the body of light truly manifest.
This is the sixth interior star, one which is attributed to interior sight and prophecy and being able to perceive inner dimensions of the Holy Spirit.
The throat star is a center of creativity and self expression. It is intimately connected to how things manifest in our world and also how we perceive that which is manifest.
The heart star is the seat of the indwelling Christ as well as the abode of Klippah Nogah. What is the circumcision of the heart?
What is consciousness? What is brain plasticity and how does the brain change as we think? How does a change in consciousness effect the world?
We look into the 5 levels of the soul of light and how they correspond to the Olamot.
We look into the 5 levels of the soul of light and how they correspond to the Olamot.
The process of creation according to Christian Kabbalah.